Ethnography of Communication

Ethnography of Communication Journal

Eri Indriani

This research aims for revealing and clarifying ethnography of communication of Marqus Flavious Aquilla, the major character in The Eagle movie (2011) by Kevin Macdonals using SPEAKING grid.The type of research conducted by the researcher is descriptive qualitative method. The reason of writer conducts this research is to identify the ethnographic of communication find in the Marqus utterances. The data collection method employed by writer is the documentation and observation toward the movie. This research finds ethnography of communication of Marqus as follows: (1)Setting is at garrison, at uncle’s home, at jungle, atgovernment office. The scene is surprised, emotional, firm, and happy. (2) Participant is the sender and receiver. The sender is as commander, as ex society member, as employer, and as friend while the receiver is as ex-commander, as employer, and as patient. (3) End is to command, to get honor, to get information, and to believe. (4) Act sequence is commanding, getting the honor, getting information, believing. (5) Keys has two aspect, those are tone and manner. The tone of Marqus utterances is flat, tense, worried, and intimidate, while manner of Marqus utterances is low intonation and high intonation. (6) Instruments involves two aspect, those are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The verbal communication consists of formal style and informal style, while the non-verbal communication is by liftingthe thumb. (7) Genre is command, and prayer.
Keywords: communication, speaking grid

The writer conducts this research to aim gaining and adding literary review of ethnography of communication which has been published before. Ethnography of communication has broad area to analyze remembered that society is larger area with have any own culture and social roles. It is exciting topic to discuss because it relate to society and language. According to Wardaugh that Ethnography of communication is a description of all the factors that are relevant in understanding how that particular communicative event achieves its objective (1998:242). The ethnography of communication is as an approach to the study of language in social context, in a practice a branch of anthropology. The ethnography of communication offers a system of concepts which can be used to conceptualize the basic phenomena of study, and a set of components for detailed analyses of the phenomena. The phenomena are focused by the researcher to be data to analyze using the concept. This approach tries to analyze patterns of communicative practices a member of particular culture. Ethnographers of communication focus in analyzing of the means and meanings of communication in particular socio–cultural lives. The understanding of communication is an important goal for both linguistics and anthropologist. Ethnography of communication closely relates with Hymes theory SPEAKING grid to analyze between sociolinguistics and anthropology toward the major character in The Eagle movie (2011). The writer constitutes the research problem of the research is what the ethnography of communication of Marqus Flavious Aquilla in The Eagle movie is. In this research the writer aims the study for revealing and clarifying the Dell Hyme‟s theory in Marqus utterances in the Eagle Movie by Kevin Macdonald. The components are Settings, Participants, Ends, Acts, Keys, Instruments, Norms, and Genre. The writer formulates the problem question based on the research problem in the following statement: What the settings,
participants, ends, acts, keys, instruments, and genres of Marqus communication are. To look at communication as composed of speech situation, speech events, and speech act, Hymes suggests that there are certain components of speech that the ethnographer should look for. Hymes puts them into eight groups, each labeled with one of the letters of the word “SPEAKING”.  See complete the journal "Journal Ethnography of Communication"


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